Yabba Dabba Do!!!!
Today is the 50th anniversary of The Flintstones, everyone’s favorite modern stone-age family!

Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty debuted before I did, which means I can’t really remember a time without them on the family tube.  In fact, as a budding genealogist, I insisted on a visit to the Flintstone’s “village of origin” when I was just a girl in pigtails…

 Back in 1971 our family jumped in our Valiant and headed to Bedrock City in Custer, South Dakota.  After a long trip in the non-air-conditioned ‘family outing mobile’ (as my friend Cindee fondly referred to it) we unstuck our sweaty thighs from the green plastic-like upholstery and jumped back in time to an earlier mode of transportation:
Good times, good times…Happy Anniversary Flintstones!
Check out Google’s tribute to the Flintstones by going to www.Google.com – if you’re an iGoogle you’ll need to sign out for a moment to get the effect.

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