
Premium Episode 97 – Full Interview with Dr. Turi King on Using DNA for Genealogy

Premium Episode 97 – Full Interview with Dr. Turi King on Using DNA for Genealogy

Date published: April 3, 2013


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In the last regular Genealogy Gems episode which was #153, you heard a portion of my interview with Dr. Turi King, the geneticist who confirmed the identity of the found remains of King Richard III in England. Well, as promised, in this Premium episode you will hear my interview with her in its entirety. Dr. King is a renowned expert in using DNA in genealogy and she brings a lot of clarity to that subject in this interview.


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Chinese Heritage

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Premium Member George wrote in to share a solution he came upon recently. He writes: “I was listening to your latest Premium Member podcast and the issue of Podcast Apps for your Premium service came up again. I tried several different podcast programs after Apple split the Podcasts out from the main program on the iPhone. I finally settled on iCatcher. It seems to work flawlessly with the Premium Podcast and has lots of features. You can search from the program and subscribe directly so it is easy to set up.”

Premium Member Steven also had something to say about apps. He writes: “I was thrilled to hear you mention FlipBoard on a recent podcast. I was turned onto Flipboard back in 2011 and can’t imagine anyone having a tablet or smartphone without it. It is my favorite app.

I was wondering do you have a list of RSS feeds specifically for genealogy that you could share with your listeners. I use Google Reader to connect to Flipboard and once again until you mentioned it I never even considered using Flipboard for my research.”


Steven is referring to the Flipboard app that I recommend in my book called Turn Your iPad into a Genealogy Powerhouse, and in the Premium Video called Genealogy on the Go with the iPad.

Flipboard is free and turns your favorite RSS feeds into a gorgeous customized digital magazine. And again, an RSS fee is just the address to a blog or podcast, anything that you can subscribe to for free online.

So Steven has been following his favorite genealogy blogs on Google Reader and using Flipboard for other types of online content. And it’s easy to overlook genealogy in Flipboard because the app doesn’t list genealogy, family history, or any topic like that as a suggested category. But that doesn’t have to stop you from creating a wonderful genealogy digital magazine of your favorite blogs, and podcasts and even YouTube channels.

As you may have heard recently Google Reader is about to bite the dust. Yep, Google is closing the doors on Google Reader.  And I don’t think it’s an issue of it not being used or being popular. I think they are trying to roll it all into Google+ as sort of your one-stop shopping online place for content. Which is interesting, because I just don’t get the impression that Google+ is really all that popular compared to Facebook.  Either way, you can copy and paste your existing RSS feeds from Google Reader into Flipboard, and have a really nice way to view everything.

Steve asked about the RSS feeds that I follow personally. The genealogy-related RSS feeds I have added to my Flipboard are an eclectic mix of the blogs, podcasts and YouTube channels that relate to my specific research. So what I recommend is turning to Google first to find the content that meets your needs. Do a search on genealogy blog and perhaps a surname, or a location, or a particular archive or library. The best genealogy blogs, podcasts and video channels are really the ones that meet your specific needs, and that’s a bit different for everyone. Then once you’ve settled on them, add their RSS feeds to Flipboard.

But as for me, I like to search for content that is specific to the type of genealogy I do: Irish, certain counties around the U.S., the county of Kent in England…you get the idea.  Here are just a few I follow in no particular order:

  • The Genealogy Insider Blog
  • Desperately Seeking Surnames blog
  • The State of Search
  • Google Official Blog
  • Google Earth Blog
  • Ancestry YouTube Channel
  • US National Archives YouTube Channel
  • Depression Cooking YouTube Channel
  • Familysearch YouTube channel…

But to be honest, I tend to use Flipboard for much more – I subscribe to content on Public Speaking (I give a LOT of presentations!), technology, Inspiration, News, Entrepreneurship, Thought Leaders, Video and Audio production, etc…


While you can search for content in the Flipboard app, I like to do most of my searching on Google first to really zero in on great content, and the last step is adding the feed to Flipboard.

I hope that helps.
Happy Flipping!


Lisa and Turi


GEM: Full Interview with Dr. Turi King at Who Do You Think You Are? Live in London

About Dr. Turi King, University of Leicester

Read more about the identification of Richard III at the Genealogy Gems Blog



Caring About Who You Talk ToYou know she was so sweet to take the time out of a very hectic schedule at Who Do You Think You Are? Live And all of the excitement around the identification of King Richard III, and while we chatted, two things were really clear to me. She’s really bright, AND she really cares about what she is doing. You know there are lots of folks out there who are really smart, but it’s a chore to listen to them if they speak only from the head and not from the heart. Author John C. Maxwell summed it up this way: “People don’t care what you know until they know that you care”

And that’s something we can all strive for. And it’s not really so much that you care about you’re your topic, but that you care about the person you are speaking to and what it means for them.

“People don’t care what you know until they know that you care”

As genealogists we love to talk about our latest discoveries and the family tree, but if we really want folks to listen, we remember to focus on caring about them and what we are telling them might mean for them.

Just a little something to think about until we meet here again.

I care about you, so thanks for listening friend!





Kelly Clarkson on Who Do You Think You Are? #WDYTYA

Kelly Clarkson on Who Do You Think You Are? #WDYTYA

  • Kelly ClarksonMany of us have been anticipating the return of Who Do You Think You Are?, the popular family history-themed television show. After three seasons, the WDYTYA? was canceled by NBC in 2012.

Reportedly, TLC has since  picked up the show for a fourth season. Executive producer Lisa Kudrow told Craig Ferguson the show is still moving forward in an appearance on The Late Late Show on Feb. 20 (see the conversation here: it starts about 21 minutes into the show).

In recent weeks, reports have circulated that Kelly Clarkson has filmed an episode. A fan reported seeing her in Americus, Georgia and that they were shooting footage at Andersonsville National Historic Site.

Want to brush up on the first three seasons (and some WDYTYA trivia) before the return of the fourth? Find old episodes here on NBC.

Or learn more about about Kelly Clarkson at her website,  which has so far been silent about any WDYTYA? filming, but celebrates her recent Grammy award and upcoming wedding–to the stepson of another WDYTYA? guest, Reba McEntire.

FamilySearch Adds New Records

FamilySearch Adds New Records

Recently FamilySearch announced the addition of another 1.7 million indexed records and images to its free online Historical Records Collection. According to FamilySearch, “Notable collection updates include the 13,110 images from the new Arizona, Maricopa, Mesa City Cemetery Records, 1885-1960, collection and the 105,745 indexed records and images from the New Zealand, Immigration Passenger Lists, 1855-1973, collection.”

Whether you have roots in North Carolina or New Zealand, it may be worth it to check out their list of new records:

Collection Indexed Records Digital Images
Australia, Tasmania, Miscellaneous Records, 1829-1961 0 8,191
Austria, Upper Austria, Linz, Miscellaneous buy premature ejaculation medication online City Records, 1485-1894 0 20,711
China, Collection of Genealogies, 1239-2010 0 120,111
Dominican Republic, Miscellaneous Records, 1921-1980 0 29,543
England, Northumberland, Miscellaneous Records, 1570-2005 0 3,897
Italy, Bologna, Bologna, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941 0 188,632
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Miscellaneous Records, 1570-1842 0 171,391
Mexico, Yucatán, Civil Registration, 1860-2005 0 297,064
New Zealand, Immigration Passenger Lists, 1855-1973 105,744 1
Nicaragua, Civil Registration, 1809-2011 0 47,728
Paraguay, Asunción, Cemetery Records, 1842-2011 0 11,121
Peru, La Libertad, Civil Registration, 1903-1998 0 203,673
U.S., Arizona, Maricopa, Mesa City Cemetery Records, 1885-1960 0 13,110
U.S., Delaware, Death Records, 1855-1961 28,958 33,144
U.S., Maine, Veterans Cemetery Records, 1676-1918 51,541 0
U.S., Massachusetts, Plymouth County, Probate Estate Files, 1686-1915 0 147,293
U.S., Montana, Sweet Grass County Records, 1885-2011 0 64,754
U.S., North Carolina, Civil Action Court Papers, 1712-1970 0 220,321
U.S., Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955 26 0


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