Good news for those who had relatives in New York in the 1860s: the 1865 New York State Census is now searchable...
Ancestry Articles
AncestryDNA Results Improving for Jewish and Hispanic Ancestry has improved the ability of AncestryDNA to find good matches for Jewish, Hispanic and other ancestries...
Here’s How AncestryDNA is Improving Autosomal Testing
You may recall from our recent DNA discussion on the Genealogy Gems podcast (Episode 168) that recently...
Returning Orphaned Heirlooms to the Family
Recently my Premium Podcast included a letter from Pat, who was looking for advice on how to return lost or orphaned...
“Who Else Has Viewed This Record?” Find Living Relatives!
There are lots of ways to find historical records about your ancestors online. But it can be just as helpful to know...
Get the Most out of Shaky Leaf Hints
If you're an user, you've seen those "shaky leaves." They are automated hints generated when
Family History Episode 44: Family Secrets in Genealogy
Family History: Genealogy Made Easy with Lisa Louise Cooke Republished 2014 [display_podcast] Download the Show Notes...
Ancestry App Launches With “Solid New Features” just relaunched the Ancestry App (version 6.0) for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. "This isn’t just...
MyCanvas Finds a New Home: Alexander’s
Alexander's, the long time MyCanvas printer will be receiving ownership. Ancestry exec Eric Shoup issued this...