Record Your Stories and Help the American Widow Project
An estimated 3200 military wives have lost their husbands in Afghanistan and Iraq. Though nothing can ever truly make up for their loss, a nonprofit organization called the American Widow Project (AWP) offers them support as they rebuild their lives. Now Saving Memories Forever, a popular genealogy service, is contributing to the cause.
The AWP and Saving Memories Forever share a common interest: keeping alive the memories and stories of American soldiers, husbands and oftentimes fathers. The AWP hosts a hotline, puts out a monthly newsletter and holds events where widows can come together to enjoy life and heal by sharing stories, tears and laughter. Saving Memories Forever helps people audio-record, save and share their memories in a secure online archive.
Saving Memories Forever has donated 20 premium subscriptions to the AWP. In addition, from now through the end of March, the AWP will receive 40% of the profits from new subscribers who use the special promo code AWP213. If you’re interested in capturing, preserving and sharing oral histories, take a look at Saving Memories Forever.