Canadian Genealogy Conference in British Columbia
This Canadian genealogy conference is one of western Canada’s largest. Coming this fall to British Columbia, it features 3 days of learning from 11 acclaimed speakers and a Marketplace to explore new genealogy products.
Canadian genealogy conference coming up
The Kelowna & District Genealogical Society in British Columbia, Canada, is pleased to announce its Harvest Your Family Tree Genealogical Conference and Marketplace, to be held September 28-30, 2018. The conference website describes this event as “one of Western Canada’s largest conferences, featuring three days of learning & discovery, opportunities for one-on-one networking and much more.”
Acclaimed speakers from Australia, USA and Canada will present on 31 topics for beginners to seasoned researchers:
- DNA with world-renowned genetic genealogist Blaine Bettinger and Lesley Anderson of Ancestry DNA;
- Hands-on learning about Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and internet searching for family historians;
- Connecting with relatives and records through social networking;
- Organizing your computer & your research;
- Getting the most out of Ancestry, the Canadian Census, Library & Archives Canada databases and learning about more great places and techniques to find records;
- Inspiring ideas for writing your family history, wringing out every clue from documents, and putting those family photos to work;
- Expert advice for finding your ancestors in Eastern Europe, England, Ireland, Canada and Australia.
According to the site, “Our Marketplace will be bursting with information and the products you need to take your genealogical pursuits to the next level, including Ancestry. Add to this, the KDGS Family & Local History Research Centre’s Open House, Meet the Speakers Reception, Guided Historic Cemetery Walking Tour and bushels of fabulous Door Prizes and Raffles all set in Kelowna during Apple & Grape Harvest Season… making THIS an event not to be missed!”
Click here to learn more about this Canadian genealogy conference and to find registration information.
More genealogy events
Internationally-acclaimed genealogy speaker Lisa Louise Cooke has spoken at this conference in the past. Click here to see a list of her upcoming events and locations.

About the Author: Sunny Morton
Sunny is a Contributing Editor at Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems; her voice is often heard on the Genealogy Gems Podcast and Premium Podcasts. She’s known for her expertise on the world’s biggest family history websites (she’s the author of Genealogy Giants: Comparing the 4 Major Websites); writing personal and family histories (she also wrote Story of My Life: A Workbook for Preserving Your Legacy); and sharing her favorite reads for the Genealogy Gems Book Club.
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