by Lisa Cooke | Sep 25, 2014 | 01 What's New, Blogs, Conferences, Social Media, Volunteer
Become an FGS Ambassor – Here’s their invitation:
“The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) is pleased to announce an invitation for FGS Ambassadors. If you are a blogger, social media enthusiast, writer, editor, or in any way interested in spreading the word about the FGS 2015 Conference, FGS is looking for YOU.
The 2015 FGS Conference scheduled for February 11–14 in Salt Lake City, Utah, will be a one-time special event with RootsTech. FGS Ambassadors will blog, share, like, +1, and tweet to spread the news about this unique FGS conference to their friends, colleagues, and everyone interested in genealogy.
Benefits to FGS Ambassadors include:
- Link to your blog, website, Twitter, or other social media accounts on the FGS 2015 Conference Ambassadors Page.
- Potential to be guest blogger on the FGS Voice Blog.
- Direct contact with the FGS 2015 Marketing Committee.
- Advance notice of press releases and other important updates from the Conference Committee.
- Participation in the FGS Ambassadors Facebook Group.
- Meet-up with other Ambassadors at FGS 2015—group photo for FGS publicity.
- Ambassador badge ribbon at the conference.
Having a genealogy blog or planning to attend the FGS 2015 conference are not requirements for participating.
Visit FGS Ambassadors at to review the full guidelines for participating and to register as an FGS Ambassador. Please register by October 8, 2014.”
by | Aug 27, 2014 | 01 What's New, Conferences, Family History Library, RootsTech
Registration opens TODAY for the Federation of Genealogical Societies FGS 2015 conference scheduled for February 11–14 in Salt Lake City, Utah. This highly anticipated genealogy event puts the FGS and RootsTech conferences under one roof at the Salt Palace Convention Center (SPCC).
Registration opens with a special early bird price of $139 for a full FGS conference registration. That pricing is available through September 12, 2014. Attend only FGS or add-on a full RootsTech pass for an additional $39. Click here to register.
“FGS 2015 will undoubtedly be part of the largest family history event in North America,” says D. Joshua Taylor, President of FGS. “We are delighted to partner with RootsTech to bring the best of tradition and innovation to the family history community.”
Conference Highlights
- Conference Sessions: The program features lectures for genealogists of all experience levels. Attendees will learn from a variety of tracks including Tried and True Methods, The Most Useful Records Hidden in Plain Sight, Compiling Singular Records into Lively Stories, A Retro Look at Organizing and Planning, and Modern Access to Vintage Resources. See the full program and list of speakers here.
- General Sessions: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings will kick off with a joint general session for all FGS and RootsTech attendees.
- Expo Hall: Both conferences will share an expo hall covering more than 120,000 square feet, which will offer at least 240 booth spaces and a Demo Theater featuring special vendor presentations. Genealogy Gems will have a booth there!
- Research Opportunity: The Family History Library is the reason that Salt Lake City is the dream destination of genealogists everywhere. The library is a located in walking distance of the Salt Palace Convention Center and the four conference hotels.
- Focus on Societies: Sessions on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 will give society leaders and volunteers ideas and tools to help societies promote themselves, increase membership, and develop sources of revenue.
- Librarians’ Day: On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, ProQuest will sponsor a full pre-conference day of sessions designed for librarians, archivists, and other information professionals serving family history researchers.
I hope I’ll see YOU among the FGS/RootsTech crowds in Salt Lake City in February. Here are the presentations I’ll be giving:
Wednesday, 10:45 am – How the Genealogist Can Remember Everything with Evernote
Wednesday, 4pm – Video Marketing: Killer YouTube Strategies for Societies
Thursday, 1:30pm – Reopen Your Genealogical Cold Case: A Step-by-Step Process
by Lisa Cooke | Jun 26, 2014 | 01 What's New, Conferences, RootsTech
Four hotels are now accepting reservations for attendees of RootsTech 2015 and FGS 2015, which will be held jointly on February 11–14, 2015 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City.
The Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek, Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, Hilton Salt Lake City Center, and Radisson Hotel Salt Lake City Downtown will offer reduced rates to conference attendees. Each hotel is conveniently located near the Salt Palace Convention Center. Conference rates will be honored for reservation dates February 7–19, 2015.
Reservations must be made by January 13, 2015 to receive the conference rates. Hotel rooms for both events will be in high demand. Click here for more information on reservations, pricing, etc. Registration for both conferences opens in late August 2014. For additional information visit each conference’s sites: or FGS.
by Lisa Cooke | May 22, 2014 | 01 What's New, Conferences, Travel
The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) has updated its events calendar, which include annual and regional conferences, an Alaskan cruise and more! FGS conferences are always great, and now they’re doing cruises. Here’s the lineup:
2014 National Conference. Registration is still open for “Gone to Texas” in San Antonio, Texas, August 27th-30th. Lisa will be there! Read more about this FGS conference here.
2015 National Conference. Click to read the Call for Papers for the 2015 National Conference, “Connect. Explore. Refresh,” to be held concurrently with Rootstech in Salt Lake City, Utah, February, 11th-14th.
2015 Alaskan Cruise. Join your friends and fellow genealogists on the first FGS Cruise in the fall of 2015. This event promises to deliver a memorable vacation and education from leading genealogists on a variety of topics. Watch for additional information in late 2014. (You already know about Lisa’s British Isles cruise this summer, right?)
2015 New York Regional Conference. The New York State Family History Conference returns to Syracuse, New York September 17-19, 2015. Organized by the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society and the Central New York Genealogical Society, the second biennial conference has expanded to include three tracks of lectures, a significant increase in attendance, and an enlarged space that will accommodate many more exhibitors and societies of interest to attendees. One of the conference focal points is researching New York families, a pursuit that offers unique challenges and requires special techniques and knowledge; the other focal point is building general research skills. In 2015, the event will be hosted as a regional conference of the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS), which will provide topics and events for genealogical society leaders and volunteers as part of the conference’s activities.
2016 National Conference. Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Federation of Genealogical Societies. Hosted in Illinois, the Land of Lincoln, the 2016 conference will feature the latest news and updates from the family history community, a full exhibit hall, the popular Society Showcase, and sessions related to the Midwestern states, research methods, and other topics.