by Lisa Cooke | Jan 11, 2016 | 01 What's New, Listeners & Readers, Mac, Trees
Are you a Mac genealogist? Check out these family history software for Mac recommendations sent in by Genealogy Gems listeners.
Recently we’ve been talking about the importance of keeping your master family tree in family tree software on your computer, especially in the wake of Ancestry’s announcement that they’re retiring Family Tree Maker software. Lisa has given lots of suggestions, including RootsMagic 7 for Mac, but YOU have also sent in these comments for Mac-compatible family history software.
1. MacFamilyTree 5
“On your list of software to replace Family Tree Maker for the Mac, you should take a look at MacFamilyTree 5
. The support is fast and fabulous. The graphics on screen and in print look up-to-date and easy to read.
As someone who has been using The Master Genealogist, I had to start looking for a replacement before the FTM users. My only complaint with MacFamilyTree is that you can’t attach sources to particular items of information as I can in TMG, but you can’t in any of the other genealogy software either. I miss being able to indicate that a source for the birth had the full date but only the state for the place, for example. So I haven’t given up on TMG yet because I don’t want to lose information as I migrate my data.” -Diana
2. Reunion 11
“I have received and read your website for some time, and have found many helpful ideas and comments. Your last edition (Family Tree Maker discontinued)
was indeed interesting, and verified how on top of things you are—thank you.
You suggested alternatives to Family Tree Maker…RootsMagic, MyHeritage, and Backblaze. (Editor’s note: Backblaze is Cloud backup for your computer, not genealogy software). While all three programs are available with versions that will work on Macs, in all fairness to Mac users, I suggest that you include (at least mention) that a great alternative for Mac is: Reunion 11 by Leister Productions. I have used this software since their beginning, and find it world-class for the Macintosh. They also have a method for moving your tree from Family Tree Maker to Reunion.” -Bill
More Family History Software for Mac
Thanks to Mac Users Diana and Bill for their recommendations. Here’s a great article from Family Tree Magazine outlining more options for genealogy software for the Mac.
More Inspiration from Genealogy Gems Like You
We love hearing from Genealogy Gems listeners and readers! Check out these posts from my “Mailbox.”
by | Oct 28, 2015 | 01 What's New, Mac, RootsMagic, Trees
RootsMagic family history software users now have better Mac options (including a FREE version) AND access to two new RootsMagic guides.
Recently I heard two great pieces of news from the folks at RootsMagic family history software. Here they are:
1. A better RootsMagic for Mac experience is here.
Their new product for the Mac last year (which was a great step forward) carried an additional fee and required extra steps to download and use. Now, says RootsMagic, “when you buy RootsMagic 7, you can now install it on both Windows and Mac computers in your household….Your single purchase includes licenses for both.” If you already own RootsMagic 7 for Windows, you can download RootsMagic 7 for Mac any time and use the same registration key. Click here for more on RootsMagic 7 for Mac.
Better yet, RootsMagic Essentials for Mac software is now available for FREE! Click here to download it from the website.
2. Two new free RootsMagic user guides are now available.
These are Creating a Shareable CD, and Downloading and Installing RootsMagic for Mac.
Magic Guides are free PDF how-tos that cover a single RootsMagic topic step by step, along with both illustrations and tips. You can copy and distribute them for free (just don’t sell them). Click here to get these guides, as well as previously-released Magic Guides.
I use and recommend RootsMagic family history software for keeping your master family tree on your home computer. Click below to learn why. RootsMagic is also a sponsor of the free Genealogy Gems podcast.
More RootsMagic Gems
RootsMagic Review: Why I Use It
RootsMagic Family History Software Now Available on Amazon Prime
Free RootsMagic Magic Guides
Thank you for sharing this post with those who will be interested, like RootsMagic users, Mac users and your genealogy buddies and society members.
by Lisa Cooke | Jan 18, 2015 | 01 What's New, Mac, MyHeritage, Trees
Mac users now have their own version of the popular free Family Tree Builder software offered by Says Daniel Horowitz at, “It’s free to download, easy to use and includes all of the main features of the windows version!”
“There have been frequent requests by our users to run Family Tree Builder 7.0 on the Mac operating system,” states a recent MyHeritage press release. “Many of our users have switched in recent years from Windows to Mac and wanted to continue using Family Tree Builder.”
Here’s some additional information from MyHeritage:
- The current version is called Family Tree Builder Mac Extension. It uses a system for porting Windows software to Mac called CrossOver by CodeWeavers. Once installed, the software will run directly on Mac computers (does not require Windows or any additional setup or configuration). The minimum OS version supported is OS X.
- Family Tree Builder’s main features run the same in Family Tree Builder Mac Extension, including Sync with MyHeritage, Smart Matches™, Record Matches, the consistency checker, charts, etc. Major features work the same as on Windows, and the file formats are the same so you can transport Family Tree Builder projects between Windows and Mac.
- Several minor features aren’t yet available: maps, formatting in notes (e.g. bold, italics, etc.), book reports (though they can be created online), and display of right-to-left languages. Everything else works the same as on Windows.
- MyHeritage is “in the advanced stages of developing a native Mac version of the software, with the look and feel that Mac users will appreciate.”
You can download the software here.
Do you keep your master family tree on a website somewhere or on your computer? Lisa is a firm believer that you should keep it yourself. Click here to read why and learn more about various options for genealogy software for Mac and Windows.
by Lisa Cooke | Oct 3, 2014 | 01 What's New, Mac, RootsMagic, Trees
Now you can run RootsMagic on your Mac! I’ve been recommending this family tree software for a long time and I’m so pleased to see this development.
Here’s what the press release says about RootsMagic for Mac:
“MacBridge for RootsMagic 6 allows you easily install and run RootsMagic on your Mac in mere minutes with almost no additional setup or configuration.
MacBridge for RootsMagic is different than other solutions you may be familiar with. For starters, it does not install Windows on your Mac. It also does not create a slow and bulky virtual computer. It runs right on your Mac, using your Mac file system. You can even put the RootsMagic icon on your dock for easy one-click access! So while we are busily working on an actual native Mac version of RootsMagic, MacBridge for RootsMagic 6 gives you the ability to work on a Mac today.
Want to see it for yourself? Here’s a short video demonstrating how quick and easy it is to download and install RootsMagic onto your Mac. Still have questions? Take a look at our answers to some Frequently-Asked Questions about MacBridge for RootsMagic.
Currently, MacBridge for RootsMagic 6 is available only as a download. The regular price is $14.95 but for a limited time, you can get it for only $9.95.
by Lisa Cooke | May 1, 2014 | 01 What's New, Book Club, Mac
7 eBook Readers for the Mac
eBook Readers for the Mac may look the same, but there are a few things to consider to ensure you’ve picked the right one for your needs. With so many
genealogical materials and great books becoming available digitally you’ll want to be armed with a quick checklist you can use to determine the right eReader for you. recently published such a checklist. The author reminds us that “Sure, tablets and e-ink devices are better ways to read than your computer – and even your phone is nicer than a laptop if you’re on the couch. But sometimes you need to open a book on your Mac.”
1 Awesome Source of free eBooks
Here’s one reason why you would want an eReader on your Mac: Project Gutenberg. This intriguing site offers over 45,000 free ebooks. You can choose from offerings like free epub and Kindle books as well as download them or read them online. And if that’s not enough, over 100,000 free ebooks are available through their Partners, Affiliates and Resources.
And these are high quality ebooks. According to the website “All our ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers. We digitized and diligently proofread them with the help of thousands of volunteers.”
No fee or registration is required but you can help by donating, digitizing more books, recording audio books, or reporting errors.

Click here to read the article. And remember, an eReader might just help you reclaim some very precious shelf space!