FREE NGS 2016 Live Streaming Sessions Have Begun

If you’re NOT at NGS 2016, you don’t have to miss out on everything! Join these free NGS 2016 live streaming sessions from Lisa Louise Cooke and Your DNA Guide Diahan Southard. Starting TODAY.

My Facebook feed has recently been full of sad-face posts from my genealogy friends who aren’t attending NGS 2016. If you’re among those NOT in Fort Lauderdale, Florida this week at the National Genealogical Society conference, you can STILL tune in to free live streaming lectures from Lisa Louise Cooke and her partners in the exhibit hall.

Below is the lineup of ALL the free classes being taught in the exhibit hall by Lisa, Diahan Southard, Jim Beidler and Lisa Alzo. The ones with the little Periscope icon (the blue and red marker) are the ones being streamed. So, today is DNA with Diahan at 9:45 and 10:15 am, and an Evernote series from Lisa at 1:15 and 1:45 pm. Tomorrow, tune in at 12:45 for Lisa’s newspaper research tips, and at 1:45 for Diahan on FTDNA. Friday: buy medicine online germany Lisa will talk Google Earth map overlays at 1:15. Saturday Diahan will tackle genetic genealogy and health at 12:15 and Lisa will close out the conference streaming sessions with computer cloud backup tips at 1:45. These times are EST, so make adjustments for your own time zone! ngs 2016 live streaming sessions Periscope streaming sessions live

Just as she did for RootsTech 2016, Lisa will stream again through the free Periscope app. Get the Periscope app in Apple’s App Store or Google Play, sign up for a free account, and follow Lisa Louise Cooke to tune in. Sign up for notifications in Periscope, and your phone will “ping” when she starts streaming. If you join in a little after the lecture, that’s okay: each broadcast stays in the Periscope feed for 24 hours. So this morning’s DNA lectures are both still available on Periscope, as of the time of this post.

Want to catch any live-streamed RootsTech classes you missed? Here are two of them below.

NGS 2016: Enter Grand Prize Drawing at Genealogy Gems Booth

If you’re going to NGS 2016, enter to win a bundle of “genealogy gems” at the Genealogy Gems Booth #228! The grand prize package–worth over 0–is a fabulous bundle of expert genealogy instruction.

Attendees of NGS 2016 will have lots of opportunities to learn while at the conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL on May 4-7. But what if you could take home from there a year’s worth of expert instruction–online and in print–from top presenters on their best topics?

That’s what the winner of this year’s Grand Prize drawing at the Genealogy Gems booth will receive. And everyone who enters will receive a free e-book with all the handouts from the free Genealogy Gems Theater presentations during NGS.

So if you’re at NGS, take a second to download the entry form. Print and fill it out, then bring it with you to the Genealogy Gems booth #228 sometime during the conference. Just the free e-book you WILL receive is worth the effort. And cross your fingers–maybe it’s your turn to win BIG!

NGS 2016 The Grand Prize winner will receive:

…from Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems:

…from Your DNA Guide Diahan Southard:

…from Family Tree Magazine: an e-book bundle of some of their best-sellers ,valued at about $100:

Again, to win the prize: Click here for the Grand Prize entry form (which also gets you the FREE ebook with all Genealogy Gems Theater session handouts). Drop the entry off at Booth #228.

Ready to see all that’s happening at NGS 2016 in the Genealogy Gems booth and theater? Click here to see the full series of free classes being taught in the Exhibit Hall–several will even be streaming online!

NGS 2016 Live Streaming: FREE Genealogy Gems Classes

NGS 2016 live streaming options have expanded this year–and include FREE Genealogy Gems classes you can watch on your mobile device wherever you are.

Can’t make it to NGS 2016? You’re not the only one! You can still join the fun, though–and for free. Lisa Louise Cooke will be live-streaming several lectures from the Genealogy Gems booth “theater” in the Exhibit Hall at NGS from May 4-7, 2016.

Streaming classes are scheduled as follows (so far–more may be added). The time zone for the conference is Eastern standard.

Wednesday, May 4:

9:45 am: Diahan Southard, 3 Reasons to Test Your DNA

10:15 am: Diahan Southard, AncestryDNA Help

1:15 pm: Lisa Louise Cooke, Beginner Evernote

1:45 pm: Lisa Louise Cooke, Advanced Evernote

Thursday, May 5:

12:45 pm: Lisa Louise Cooke, 3 Cool Tools for Newspapers

1:45 pm: Diahan Southard, FTDNA’s Family Finder Help

Friday, May 6:

1:15 pm: Lisa Louise Cooke, Create Google Earth Map Overlays

Saturday, May 7:

12:15 pm: Diahan Southard, Genetic buy medicine online philippines Genealogy & Health

1:45 pm: Lisa Louise Cooke: Genealogy Protection with Cloud Backup

How to watch the free NGS 2016 live streaming sessions from Genealogy Gems

Lisa will stream again through the free Periscope app, which she used for RootsTech 2016. Get the Periscope app in Apple’s App Store or Google Play, sign up for a free account, and follow Lisa Louise Cooke to tune in. Sign up for notifications in Periscope, and your phone will “ping” when she starts streaming.

Click here for the full list of NGS 2016 free Genealogy Gems booth classes, being taught on-site by Lisa Louise Cooke and Diahan Southard from Genealogy Gems and their partners from Family Tree Magazine. More streaming sessions may be added. Be sure to like and follow the Genealogy Gems Facebook page for last-minute additions!

FREE: Watch Classes that Streamed Live from RootsTech 2016

How to Use Your Mobile Device for Genealogy

Powerful Google for Genealogy Search Strategies


NGS 2016: FREE Lectures at the Genealogy Gems Booth

Genealogy Gems NGS

Back by popular demand: free Genealogy Gems sessions in the NGS 2016 exhibitor hall. Fabulous speakers, prizes and a free e-book to everyone who comes!

After a fabulous response last year, Genealogy Gems will once again host FREE presentations in the exhibitor hall at the National Genealogical Society conference on May 4-6, 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale.

If you’re attending NGS 2016, check out the 30-minute power sessions below, being taught by powerhouse presenters Lisa Louise Cooke, Your DNA Guide Diahan Southard and Family Tree Magazine writers Lisa Alzo and Jim Beidler. You’ve heard them on the Genealogy Gems podcast and the Family Tree Magazine podcast and you’ve read their work in the magazine and on this blog: now come see them in person!


These smaller free sessions at our booth (#228) offer a great way to meet these top speakers and hear them teach their most popular topics. Because these sessions have been standing-room-only at recent conferences, this year we have created a brand new Genealogy Gems Theater with MORE room to sit and enjoy each session. When you attend, you can sign up for a free e-book with all the session handouts and enter to win a fabulous grand prize, too.

Click here to check out the full Genealogy Gems Theater schedule, see an exhibit room map and download a schedule and prize entry form.

How to Add Free Genealogy Gems Sessions to the NGS 2016 app

Featured Image ngs 2016 appThe NGS 2016 app is now available. Here’s how to customize your conference experience by adding the free Genealogy Gems booth sessions to your schedule.

Those attending the National Genealogical Society conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on May 4-7 will find the new NGS 2016 app enormously helpful. With it, you can:

  • keep up-to-the-minute with conference news,
  • connect with other attendees,
  • build a personalized schedule for sessions you want to attend,
  • find exhibitors (we’re in the Genealogy Gems booth #228!),
  • take notes and download handouts and presentations, and
  • comment on the sessions you attend.

Here’s how to set it up.

01 tap exhibitors ngs 2016 app

First, click here to download the NGS 2016 app, which is available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and web-enabled devices. You don’t need to be registered already for NGS to download and use the app. Here’s the NGS app home screen:

Tap “My Schedule” to add official NGS classes to your custom calendar. For example, you can add my Thursday 4:00 pm session, “How to Follow and Envision Your Ancestor’s Footprints Through Time with Google Earth” or Friday 9:30 am session, “Ultimate Google Search Strategies For Genealogy 2.0.”

You can also add the extra, FREE classes being taught at the Genealogy Gems theater in the Exhibitor Hall, which include my own and those of my NGS 2016 special guests:

schedule ngs 2016 app

You won’t find these listed in the app under “My Schedule,” but you can still add them to your custom calendar. Here’s how.

From the home screen, tap “Exhibitors.” On the exhibitor screen you can tap “L” for Lisa or search any part of the name in the search box. Here’s the easiest way to find us: search Gems.

03 search gems ngs 2016 app

Tap our listing to get more details. Tap the star button in the left column (image below) to bookmark us as one of your favorites. (And yes, you’re one of our favorites, too!)04 tap start to bookmark ngs 2016 app

Tap the settings icon (3 horizontal lines) and you can Filter by Bookmarks (image below.)

05 filter by bookmarks ngs 2016 app


Now add the free sessions you want to choose. It’s easy to do. From our exhibitor screen, tap the MySchedule icon. (Be sure to do this from our exhibit screen rather than the home screen because it’s going to save you a lot of typing. You’ll thank me!)

06 tap schedule ngs 2016 app

When you tap MySchedule (image above), the screen below will pop up. Perhaps you’d really like to learn how to use Evernote for genealogy. Terrific, because I’ll be teaching that class on Wednesday, May 4 at 1:15 PM in the Genealogy Gems booth in the Exhibitor Hall. Let’s add it to your calendar.07 set event ngs 2016 app

Simply tap TITLE and start typing. The location is conveniently already linked (see, I told you that you would save time using this method!). Tap the date and use the scroll menu to select the exact time and date of the class. Wrap it all up by adding the length: our classes are 30 minutes. You’ve even got a spot to add your own Notes.

08 class ngs 2016 app


When you’re all done, tap DONE. And there you go! Beginner Evernote is now on your schedule at 1:15 PM.

Now tap the Plus sign again and add the Advanced Evernote class. (You know you want to!)

09 all classes ngs 2016 app

I’m looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible at NGS 2016! Click here to see all the Genealogy Gems events at NGS 2016–and the free swag you can win. See you there!

NGS 2016 official social media badge

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