Free Genealogy Gems Podcast Episode 191
The free Genealogy Gems Podcast episode 191 has been published. You’ll hear German genealogy records online, best apps for local history, Google research success stories and MORE!
I’m pleased to announce that the free Genealogy Gems podcast episode 191 is now published and available for your listening pleasure.
My favorite segments of the show are host and producer Lisa Louise Cooke’s conversations she had on the road at recent conferences with two genealogy experts:
First, you’ll hear from German expert Jim Beidler about some of the new German resources coming online and how to use them. I love his tips for understanding the difference between the types of records you’ll find, like original church records versus duplicates, abstracts or transcripts.
Then you’ll hear Lisa’s conversation with Amy Crow from RootsTech. It’s fun to hear them get excited about genealogy apps they love! Amy shares four favorite apps for local history. Don’t miss these! Some were totally new to me.
More highlights from this episode include:
- An inspiring Google research success story from an inspiring young family historian;
- Tips on organizing Evernote notebooks;
- A big new update from AncestryDNA with Diahan Southard;
- Thoughts on The Summer Before the War with Sunny Morton;
- Upcoming Canadian genealogy conferences;
- Lisa’s next live-streaming sessions and other genealogy news.
Click here to listen to the Genealogy Gems podcast episode 191. OR….
Click here to get the Genealogy Gems app. In addition to how easy it is to listen, Genealogy Gems app users get access to unique BONUS content in several episodes. Bonus content for this episode: an extra segment about several National Archives websites, with a spotlight on the U.S. and mention of sites for Canada, the U.K., and Australia.