Meet the Library of Congress in 3 Short Video Clips
The Library of Congress (LOC) is a dream destination for many U.S. genealogy researchers. It’s home to millions of books, maps, city directories,
photographs and other materials that can help us better understand our ancestors’ lives.
A guided walking tour of the LOC will take an hour (and a trip to Washington, D.C.), but the videos below introduce you to the library and its online resources in seven minutes.
Bonus: there’s a third two-minute video below with the fastest introduction to analyzing primary sources you’ve ever seen. Click below to watch!
VIDEO: The Library of Congress Is Your Library. This four-minute video introduces the Library of Congress and gives a brief history.
VIDEO: Exploring This three-minute video highlights the Library’s online collections and provides searching techniques. If you haven’t searched the Library of Congress website for items relating to your U.S. family history, take a few minutes and try it now!
VIDEO: Analyzing a Primary Source. This two-minute video offers a a short primary source analysis activity. It’s meant for teachers but it’s a great reminder for family historians on how we look at old documents.