
FREE U.S. Military Records Access on MyHeritage this Memorial Day Weekend

FREE U.S. Military Records Access on MyHeritage this Memorial Day Weekend

FREE US Military RecordsHappy Memorial Day, U.S. residents!

From Friday, May 25 through Monday, May 26, 2014, MyHeritage is offering FREE access to millions of US military records.

Military records provide insight into the lives of those who have served in the armed forces, as well as their families. With these records, we can learn more about our ancestors as we honor their memory and service to their country.

Click here to access the free U.S. military records on!

How This Site Blew the Lid Off the Silver Surfer Myth: Internet Use by Older Adults

How This Site Blew the Lid Off the Silver Surfer Myth: Internet Use by Older Adults

stick_figure_ride_mouse_400_wht_9283You’ve heard of the Silver Surfer, right? I’m not talking about the comic book hero. This title is also given to older people who surf the ‘net. Are “silver surfers” a myth? Uncommon? Not at all!

Genealogy Gems reader David Sawers recently sent me this fantastic infographic about internet use by older adults (read the accompanying article here). He helped with the research behind the infographic and wants to share it with the genealogical community.

Yay for all the older people who are keeping up with the world where to buy medication reviews online! It’s no small transition for someone who remembers when everyone communicated at a much slower pace and in different ways.

I don’t keep track of the ages of those who follow Genealogy Gems, but now I’m curious. You don’t have to reveal your age outright–but if you’re a “silver surfer,” will you surf over to my Facebook page? Post your memory of how communication happened when you were young: by letter, wire, party line, over the back fence?


FGS Conferences, Alaskan Cruise and More!

FGS Conferences, Alaskan Cruise and More!

Federation of Genealogical Societies FGSThe Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) has updated its events calendar, which include annual and regional conferences, an Alaskan cruise and more! FGS conferences are always great, and now they’re doing cruises. Here’s the lineup:

2014 National Conference. Registration is still open for “Gone to Texas” in San Antonio, Texas, August 27th-30th. Lisa will be there! Read more about this FGS conference here.

2015 National Conference. Click to read the Call for Papers for the 2015 National Conference, “Connect. Explore. Refresh,” to be held concurrently with Rootstech in Salt Lake City, Utah, February, 11th-14th.

Genealogy Cruise2015 Alaskan Cruise. Join your friends and fellow genealogists on the first FGS Cruise in the fall of 2015. This event promises to deliver a memorable vacation and education from leading genealogists on a variety of topics. Watch for additional information in late 2014. (You already know about Lisa’s British Isles cruise this summer, right?)

2015 New York Regional Conference. The New York State Family History Conference returns to Syracuse, New York September 17-19, 2015. Organized  by the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society and the Central New York Genealogical Society, the second biennial conference has expanded to include three tracks of lectures, a significant increase in attendance, and an enlarged space that will accommodate many more exhibitors and societies of interest to attendees. One of the conference focal points is researching New York families, a pursuit that offers unique challenges and requires special techniques and knowledge; the other focal point is building general research skills. In 2015, the event will be hosted as a regional conference of the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS), which will provide topics and events for genealogical society leaders and volunteers as part of the conference’s activities.

2016 National Conference. Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Federation of Genealogical Societies. Hosted in Illinois, the Land of Lincoln, the 2016 conference will feature the latest news and updates from the family history community, a full exhibit hall, the popular Society Showcase, and sessions related to the Midwestern states, research methods, and other topics.

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