
Taking the Genealogy Gems Podcast on the Road with You This Summer

Taking the Genealogy Gems Podcast on the Road with You This Summer

Sierra in California wrote in to say she’s been taking the Genealogy Gems Podcast with her on the road this summer:

“I listen to Genealogy Gems while in the car. We live just north of San Francisco and travel to Tahoe at least once a month. My kids and husband usually fall asleep as soon as the car hits the freeway. Before every trip I download 4 or 5 podcasts to my iphone. As soon as everyone is asleep, I plug my iphone into my car stereo and listen to you for the 3 hour drive. Genealogy Gems makes the trip fly by.

I can’t thank you enough for such great content you include each week. I have picked up so many awesome techniques and tips from listening to you. Thanks!”

Well thank you Sierra taking me and the podcast along for the ride!  But I have one question:  Are we there yet?!


California in the 1940 Census

California in the 1940 Census and other community project partners recently announced the release of the California 1940 census index, and have provided a neat infographic highlighting California in 1940.

I was particularly thrilled to see the searchable California index released because my parents and all my grandparents were in the state , working farms and just a year away from going to war and building ships for the cause.


1940 census

The Answer to a Plaguing Genealogical Problem

The Answer to a Plaguing Genealogical Problem

Have you ever wondered why you’re just not making as much progress on your genealogy research as you would like? In many of my live presetations I often ask the audience to raise their hand if they have enough time to climb their family tree, and nary a hand ever goes up. It’s a problem that plagues family historians almost without exception.

Thank goodness you’ve come to Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems because I have a gem for you that I think will cast a bright light on the problem and provide you with a better understanding of what’s really happening.

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