Traveling ancestors created records when they left the country of their origin and when they arrived at their new...
Immigration Articles
Illuminating Time-Lapse Videos Show Our Changing World
Time-lapse videos first intrigued me as a child when I watched a little seed grow into a beautiful flower in a matter...
Celebrating Freedom and Records Access: 50 Years of FOIA and Genealogy
Happy July 4th--and Happy 50th to the Freedom of Information Act! Read more about the FOIA and genealogy records we...
YouTube for Family History: Documentaries You’ll Love
Are you using YouTube for family history to watch documentaries about your ancestors' lives and times? It's instant...
We Dig These Gems: New Genealogy Records Online
Each week, we dig through new genealogy records online and post the "gems" here. Should YOU be digging through any of...
Russian Genealogy: A New Russian-American Digital Archive
A new digital archive sheds light on the little-known Russian-American immigrant experience. If you're an American...
We Dig These Gems! New Genealogy Records Online
Here's our weekly roundup of new genealogy records online! Everyone should check out the updates to PERSI at...
We Dig These Gems! New Genealogy Records Online
Every week, we post about exciting new genealogy records online. Scan this week's list for anything you should search...
We Dig These Gems! New Genealogy Records Online
Our review of new genealogy records online this week includes the 1939 Register for England and Wales; church records...