Do you ever wonder why your immigrant ancestors to the U.S. settled in a particular location, especially if it wasn't...
Immigration Articles
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Genealogy Alert: 1921 Canadian Census Images Now Online
The much-anticipated (but little-publicized) 1921 Canadian census is now online and available for browsing at...
Danish Version of WDYTYA Being Filmed
The Danish Broadcasting Corporation is filming its own version of "Who Do You Think You Are?"--which we've learned via...
Family Tree Relationships – It’s Complicated (Chinese Genealogy)
Do you think it's complicated to remember the definition of a third cousin, or what it means to be twice removed? What...
Find Your Criminal Ancestors: UK collection from
If you have British roots, you'll want to check out the new collection available on a half million...
You May Only Have Half of Your British Ancestor’s Immigration Story
If you have found the passenger list for your British ancestor in the Ellis Island database, you've only gotten your...